In this issue:

“Still Life”
fiction by
Jeff Ewing

“the mail slot”
“The Corner”
poetry by
Mark Belair

“The Perfume I Never Gave My Mother”
poetry by
Gail Peck

“Plum Tree”
“Four Morning Auguries”
poetry by
Doug Ramspeck

“For Opportunity”
poetry by
Eric Vithalani

“Opening Day”
fiction by
Jeff Moreland

“The Platter”
poetry by
Idris Anderson

“Agoraphobia, The Fear of the Gathering Place”
poetry by
Christopher Todd Anderson

“The Place des Vosges”
“Red Coat”
poetry by
Richard Jones

“Le bel animal du roi”
poetry by
Sue Chenette

“After My Sister’s Mastectomy”
“The Unfinished Novel”
“At Twenty”
poetry by
Lynne Knight

poetry by
Matthew Murrey

Cover artwork: “Intimité” (“Intimacy: Couple in Interior”),
1898, tempera on cardboard, 35 x 57 centimeters
by Félix Vallotton

Layout by
Leah Browning

News from the Editor:

The Apple Valley Review is an online literary journal.  It is published
twice annually, once in spring and once in fall.  Each issue features a
collection of poetry, short fiction, and essays.  More extensive
information about the journal is available

If you would like to be added to our
mailing list, please send your
full name, mailing address, and e-mail address to our
editor with the
word “subscribe” as the subject of your e-mail message.  As a
subscriber, you will receive information about new issues of the
journal as they become available online.  Your contact information
will not be sold or shared, and you may unsubscribe from this list at
any time.  There are no fees associated with this subscription.

You are also welcome to visit the
official Facebook page for the
Apple Valley Review.  The page is open to all friends, readers, and
writers, both published and unpublished.  

We will accept
submissions for our Fall 2019 issue until September 15,
2019.  For more information, please review our
submission guidelines.
Apple Valley Review: A Journal of Contemporary Literature

ISSN 1931-3888

Copyright © 2005-2019 by Leah Browning, Editor.  

All future rights to material published in the
Apple Valley
are retained by the individual authors and artists.